I Believe…

Scott Shattuck - Idearat
2 min readOct 27, 2019
Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

I believe…

you can’t know someone by looking at their age;
you can’t know someone by looking at their photos;
you can only know someone by looking at their heart.

I believe…

you can’t know someone by looking at their past;
you can’t know someone by looking at their present;
you can only know someone by looking at their dreams.

I believe…

in being present, being grateful, and being kind;
in good manners, good friends, and good tequila;
in working hard, playing hard, and loving hard.

I believe…

in candlelight, firelight, starlight, and moonlight;
in sense-uality…sight, sound, aroma, taste, touch;
in the magic of chemistry, of a caress, of a kiss.

I believe…

in sleeping under the stars every once in a while;
in exploring new places, new people, and new ideas;
in nature; in earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.

I believe…

in architecture; in building for the future;
in art, music, dance; in expressing emotion;
in writing…

